Wednesday, August 5, 2015

GMO Labeling - We Have a Right To Know What's in Our Food!

Americans want and deserve the same right to know as citizens in 64 other nations that require GMO labeling. It’s time for members of Congress to listen to consumers across the country who want to know more – not less – about their food.

It’s time for real toxics reform!

Our nation’s toxic chemicals policy has been broken for 39 years. Now, there are two competing bills in the Senate to update it: one that protects you (introduced by Sens. Boxer and Markey), and one that protects the chemical industry (introduced by Sens. Udall and Vitter).

We need to make sure that real chemical reform is passed. It’s time to call on President Obama and the Senate to oppose the bill written by the chemical industry.

Please sign the petition now!

Thank you!
Laurel Caplan

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