
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Homemade Tanning Lotion For Sun & Salon Tanning

How would you like a homemade tanning lotion for the sun or salon that doesn’t cost too much, yet is still as effective as any product you could buy?

The homemade tanning lotion I’m about to show you is the exact same one I use whenever I’m in the sun or at a salon. I think it’s even MORE effective than any product you could buy in stores.

You may already have some of these products at home, so make sure you hunt around a little before heading out to the store.

It may seem like making this lotion is expensive at first because you have to buy the ingredients. However once you have everything, it will literally last you for like a YEAR!

Only Three Ingredients:

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an amazing tanning accelerator. How it works is pretty simple. Try to think of it like a magnifying glass on your skin. This magnification draws in even more UV rays, which then help to produce the melanin necessary for a tan to appear.

It also helps to retain moisture. This is so important as without added moisture, our skin will dry up and expire a lot faster. This then leads to flaking and with it goes the color you just added during your tan.

Basically it helps keep your tan for longer.


The main purpose of lanolin is to act as an emollient. This is something that is able to lock in moisture and it’s vital if we want to achieve a long lasting tan.

It’s also great for those with sensitive skin as it’s a hypoallergenic, meaning that it won’t cause any irritation whatsoever.

Black Tea(3 bags)

Like all of these ingredients, black tea plays two roles:

It will act as a natural dye, adding some color to your skin.
It contains a ton of antioxidants that will fight off any toxins that may arise during the sensitive time right after tanning.

How To Make This Homemade Tanning Lotion

This is a simple recipe to make!  Just follow the simple steps below and you’ll be ready to apply your lotion:


1) Take 3/4 cup of water, boil it and pour into a mug with your 3 black tea bags. Place it off to the side to allow it to brew for a couple of minutes.

2) Take a 1/4 cup of coconut oil, 1/4 cup of lanolin and 1/4 cup of tea and pour them all into your blender. Start it up and as you’re blending, slowly pour in the remaining 1/2 cup of tea.

3) Mix until the lotion start to look nice and even.

4) At last you’re ready to apply!

This homemade tanning lotion is seriously going to accelerate the process. If you’re a little on the pale side, I recommend starting off with no more than 5 minutes in a tanning bed or 10 minutes of direct sunlight.

The black tea combined with the coconut oil is messy when it comes to staining clothes. At the same time you don’t want to wash it off right away. Doing this will remove any nutrients before they have a chance to absorb properly into your skin. You want to give it at least 2 hours to soak in.

If you’re heading to the salon, always take an old change of clothes and DON'T WEAR WHITE!

Enjoy your tan!  Just don't overdue it!  
Laurel x0x0


  1. What if you are allergic to lanolin? What should you use in place of it?

  2. I would try cocoa butter as it has the same consistancy. That probably would work better for you.


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