
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Boost Your Libido! Make A Cup of Sex Coffee!

Do you want to make a Cup of Sex Coffee?
All you need are these 5 organic ingredients and add it to coffee: maca, cacao, raw honey, coconut milk and cinnamon. These 5 raw foods have been used since ancient times to support your sex drive.

MACA: An Aztec root, usually found in powder form is an adaptogen which supports your body in creating the enzymes it needs to balance hormones and enhance fertility. It's often promoted as an aphrodisiac, which can increase libido.
CACAO: Raw cacao is a stimulant. It gets your blood pumping and triggers your body to release seratonin, which enhances mood.
CINNAMON: Cinnamon promotes vital energy, keeping your body from losing stamina that can come after a busy day.
RAW HONEY: Honey may increase stamina, and has been shown to increase virility and fertility.
COCONUT MILK: Many cultures have used coconut milk to naturally balance hormones and to increase sex drive. Full of healthy fats, coconut milk will give you a boost of energy. 

Try making this coffee once a week, especially when you have time to sip slowly and really enjoy your day. You'll get your regular dose of caffeine, plus the added boost from the world's most ancient sex-related superfoods. 

Try to make this coffee once or twice a week if you want the added benefits of superfoods to support your sex drive. It tastes similar to Mexican Hot Chocolate - dark chocolate, cinnamon, with just a bit of sweetness.

Organic Ingredients:
2/3 cup hot coffee
1 tablespoon raw cacao
2 tablespoons coconut milk
1 tablespoon raw honey
1/2 teaspoon Ceylon cinnamon
1 teaspoon maca

Pour coffee into a medium bowl. Add cacao, coconut milk, honey, and cinnamon. Whip with hand blender until frothy. Add the maca and whip it good! Serve immediately.

Have fun and enjoy! Wink ;)
Laurel ♥  

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