
Friday, March 13, 2015

OH MY COD! Wild Alaskan Cod with Mushroom Sauce

Alaskan cod, which is more often called Pacific cod, is wild-caught in the Pacific Northwest. Its mild flavor puts it on the list of the top 10 fish favorites compiled by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Best of all, when you enjoy one serving of Alaskan cod, you’ll get a boost of protein, B vitamins and several other nutrients that help keep your heart healthy.

Health Benefits:

Lean Protein 
A 3-ounce fillet of Alaskan cod has just 72 calories and 16 grams of complete protein.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids 
The amazing thing about Alaskan cod is that it only has 0.4 grams of total fat, which makes it virtually fat-free, yet such a large percentage of the fat is in the form of omega-3 fatty acids that a 3-ounce fillet supplies 9 percent of men’s and 13 percent of women’s daily intake. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential because your body needs them but can't make them on its own, thus they must be obtained through your diet.

Vitamin B-12
You'll only find vitamin B-12 in animal-based foods, and Alaskan cod is one of the best sources. A 3-ounce serving has 1.96 micrograms, which gives you 81 percent of the recommended daily intake. Vitamin B-12 is essential for the normal development of red blood cells and hemoglobin, and it keeps your nerves working properly.

Wild Alaskan Cod with Mushroom Sauce

INGREDIENTS (serves 2)
2 pieces of wild alaskan cod fillets
sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper
1-2 tbsp organic butter or olive oil
1 cup organic shiitake mushrooms (remove stems and slice)
2 shallots (peeled and chopped)
¼ cup spring water
1 tbsp white wine
2 tbsp organic heavy cream

1. Season the cod lightly with sea salt and black pepper.

2. Melt the butter/olive oil in a skillet. Pan fry the cod, for a few minutes each side over medium heat until lightly browned and flakey. Set aside and cover.

3. To prepare the creamy mushroom sauce, melt butter in pan, saute the mushrooms and shallots for about 3-4 minutes. Then add the water and white wine. Add fresh cream to get the consistency you want. Pour the sauce over the cooked cod. Serve with rice and a side of your favorite veggie.

I test and prepare all of my own original recipes to bring you the very best delicious organic menu ideas for you and your family.  

Laurel ♥

I would appreciate your comments and suggestions! 

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