
Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Global March Against Monsanto Begins Today

 Last year, the "March Against Monsanto" took place in over 400 cities and in 52 countries around the world. The mass media tried to block it out, because their sponsors sell mainly GMOs, genetically mutated food and medicine. A few television stations touched on it briefly, as if it were some little protest in a few places, but most of the coverage was online and available in video, which was viral on the net. Television news is for the population that doesn't believe in food as medicine, and those who have been brainwashed into believing that the products being advertised can somehow benefit them, rather than cause health and financial detriment. However, since last summer, hundreds of millions of people realized the long-reaching arm of GMO (Biotech and Big Food) and how eating genetically modified food is one of the scariest things you can do as a human being, and this global awareness is taking flight.

Most people in America, before the past 12 months, had no idea what GMO even stood for, much less what it does to the body. But when a protest becomes a worldwide movement and mission, and countries all over the world are screaming the same message to their people -- "say no to GMO!" -- this is evidence, concrete proof that the message is enormous and one must pay heed.

This year, get ready for up to 10 times the number of people who "get social" and "get aware" of the dangers of GMOs, cancer food and cancer water. Youtube and Natural News TV will be sharing footage from countries that are sharing in 20 years of frustration and have had enough! Activists on every continent (minus Antarctica) will be using multimedia to send the message to the masses, and the blackout on television will only propel the cause! Social media and alternative health news will be shared by millions on Facebook, Twitter, Natural News and more.

Eat poison or eat organic - you decide!

Face it, when humans consume pesticides, herbicides and insecticides, they are consuming poison and food that has no nutritional value whatsoever; plus, their good bacteria (flora) get destroyed along with immunity, central nervous system balance and proper function. Disease and disorder, including birth defects, are bred by consuming GMOs, period. The research is in, and the word is out!

How do you do it? You start by getting the smartphone app "Fooducate" and looking for "Non-GMO Project Verified" on every label. You go online to Natural News and read about GMO dangers. You protect your environment, your soil and your drinking water by becoming MORE educated about the mission to purify food, drink and personal care products all around you. Here's a start. Scan the barcodes of all the food you buy with this free phone app and get a rating, GMO info and more: (

Mike Adams in Texas at anti-GMO rally in 2013: (

This is the turning year, where GMO fails to convince the masses that it's okay to consume bug killer and weed killer daily. Biotech is a nasty word for food sickness, and it won't be played down any more. "March Against Monsanto" is going viral again, and 2014 will go down in history as the biggest positive change for food since the discovery of vitamins A, B, C and D. This is the Natural Revolution coming to life in the biggest way. Be a part of it and realize that your health freedom is in your own hands.

Eat organic food, drink spring water and research organic supplements, herbs, tinctures and superfoods. The time is now. We want control of our bodies! Take action, because the Mass GMO Boycott starts right now!

Join the world in the march against Monsanto because your health depends on it!

Intuitively yours,
Laurel ♥

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