
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Health Benefits for 7 Amazing Super Fruits

Our mothers have taught us that drinking milk before bed would help us to sleep better and gargling with baking soda would help soothe a sore throat.  But now we know that there are fruits that have equally amazing health benefits.  Take a look at the miraculous powers of these seven super fruits ~

1.  Cherries - Sleep Aid
Warm milk used to be the bedtime beverage of choice, but a new beverage has emerged for its insomnia-fighting properties.  Studies have shown that cherries contain high levels of melatonin, a natural antioxidant with the ability to help moderate the body's sleep-wake cycle.  In other words, melatonin not only regulates sleep but helps promote wakefulness during the day.  Another study reported that when their participants drank cherry juice in the morning and night for 2 weeks, they experienced a significant reduction in insomnia.

2. Bananas - Weight Loss
There is no miracle food when it comes to dieting.  But when it comes to weight loss, bananas are one of the most nutritious and natural foods that help promote weight loss.  If you're seeking a way to maintain a healthy weight, bananas are high in dietary fiber, which makes you feel fuller so you won't be tempted to overeat.  Bananas provide long-lasting energy throughout the day.  Eat them alone, with cereal or in a delicious smoothie.  There are ONLY 9 calories per gram of fat in a banana.

3. Blueberries & Strawberries - Brain Boosters
Not only do these berries taste great, but a new study shows that blueberries and strawberries can improve memory loss that comes with aging.  Blueberries make delicious muffins and strawberries tastes great in any dessert.  Add them both to your juices or in a smoothie.

4. Acai Berries - Beauty Berry
Among acais many antioxidants is one particular powerhouse called anthocyanin,
which is the driving force behind acais free-radical and age-fighting powers.  It was touted as a miracle weight loss supplement on the Dr. Oz show, when in fact the acai  berry alone cannot help you to lose weight.  The acai berry in juice form can improve the look and texture of your hair, skin and nails.  Just make sure you are buying organic acai juice without added ingredients.

5. Red Grapes and Red Wine - Heart Helpers
Red wine has been found to contain a component called RESVERATROL, a powerful antioxidant.  Diets rich in this chemical seem to protect the heart, slow weight gain and boost the rate at which the body burns fat.  But for kids & non-drinkers, simply eat red grapes.  Sweet and juicy, red grapes make a great snack and also thought to have similar benefits to red wine.  But red grapes have the added benefit of providing dietary fiber.

6. Avocados - Cholesterol Killers
Yes, the avocado is a fruit!  Avocados contain fat (don't worry), it's the "good" kind of fat known as unsaturated fats, which help lower cholesterol.  Avocados when eaten daily can fight high cholesterol as effectively as medication.  They are so good in salads and of course made into guacamole.

7. Goji Berries - Immune Health
Goji berries are a superior super fruit noted for their anti-aging effects and one of the ONLY foods scientifically proven to promote levels of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) in the body.  Goji berries have an amazing amount of polysaccharides to help build the immune system as well as a full range of antioxidants.  Goji berries taste great in salads and in smoothies.

* Add these 7 fruits to your diet daily and see if you notice any changes of how you look and feel.

Please send me your comments and suggestions!

Thank you,
Laurel ♥

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